Importance of water for weight loss

Importance of water for weight loss

Water is important for every human being. The doctor recommended having at least 8 glasses of water every day. This defines the importance of water for every individual.

Water is so important for life, for every moment we spend our life. Water is so important for us, without the proper water intake our body is not capable of doing its functions properly, water helps the cells to bring nutrients, it also helps in getting rid of wastes, and also helps our joints and protect them and also maintain the body temperature.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the importance of water and how it is beneficial in weight loss. 

How much water should we drink?

Water intake depends on the height, weight, gender, and activity level of a person plus the health condition of the person. It varies from person to person. However, 10 liters of water per day is suggested by the doctors.

Guidelines for water intake

  • Every day a man must drink almost 3 liters of water a day which is approx. 13 cups a day.
  •  A normally healthy woman must drink at least 2 liters of water which is 12 cups in a day, whereas a pregnant woman recommended that she must have to drink 10 cups of water each day and a breastfeeding woman should drink 12 cups in a day.
  • And children must have to drink 6 to 8 cups of water a day.

Likewise, it all depends on the health condition and activity level of each person. It can be more cups of water for a person to drink as per the activity of the person each day. But with the importance of water intake, doctors and health nutrients also recommended to eat fresh fruits and vegetables that are fully covered with water. 

Water is beneficial for everyone and there are so many remedies from water for different purposes. So water is helpful in weight loss too and has so many remedies for weight loss.

The importance of water for weight loss

There is so much evidence that supports that proper water intake is helpful in weight loss. But that does not mean sipping water before bed will wake you up slim. The research shows that 60% of the human body is full of water which is simply pure from fats and calories liquid which help in the function of the body. The research states that the more you drink water and stay hydrated, the more your body functions properly which automatically helps in burning fats.

Water has been linked to weight loss in several ways by science. It could increase metabolism, reduce hunger, and facilitate simpler and more effective exercise—all of which might have an impact on your weight.

If you want to take a smart step to begin your moderate weight loss journey then staying hydrated would be your goal. It is a long-term goal for your lightweight loss with staying hydrated, without any workouts or any other diets. But it all depends on so many other factors, behaviors, and characteristics that effectively work with this. There are so many reasons that drinking more water will help you to lose weight.

Water may naturally suppress your appetite.

Upon realizing your hunger, your initial reaction can be to search for food. However, food might not be the solution. “Thirst, which is triggered by mild dehydration, is often mistaken for hunger by the brain,” says Melina Jampolis a board-certified physician nutritionist and internist. “You may be able to decrease appetite by drinking water if you are, in fact, low in water, not calories.”Additionally, as water enters the system rapidly and expands the stomach, it can aid in satiation.

Drinking water before having a meal will shortly decrease the full consumption of food stated by the registered dietitian nutritionist Hilton Head Health, Elizabeth Huggins. A study from 2016 supports this theory that the people who drink 2 glasses of water before having any meal, eat 22% less food, than the people who do not drink water.

World environmental ecology concept with rain forest tree planting on green globe with water faucet. Element of the image furnished by NASA

Water increases calorie-burning

In 2014 one more study stated, that 12 participants’ energy expenditure increased after consuming 500 mL of cold, room-temperature water. Those participants burn 2% to 3% more calories, than the other people who drink water 90 minutes after. Additionally, drinking water has the potential to momentarily raise the body’s resting energy expenditure or resting calorie expenditure.

The advantages of water in burning calories may be increased by drinking cold water as the body uses energy, or calories, to heat the water for digestion.

Water helps to remove waste from the body

The body cannot properly eliminate waste products like urine or feces when it is dehydrated.

Water preserves vital minerals and electrolytes while assisting the kidneys in filtering waste products and pollutants. The kidneys hold onto liquids when the body is dehydrated.

Constipation and stiff, lumpy feces are further symptoms of dehydration. Water softens or loosens hardened stools, which helps to keep waste flowing.

Drinking More Water is linked to Reduced Calorie Intake and a Lower Risk of Weight Gain

Water is often associated with lower calorie consumption since it is inherently calorie-free.

This is mostly because you choose to drink water rather than other liquids, which are frequently heavy in sugar and calories.

Studies using observational data have revealed that those who mostly drink water consume up to 9% (or 200 calories) less calories overall.

Water consumption may also aid in preventing long-term weight gain. The average individual typically acquires 1.45 kg (3.2 lbs) per four years.

Adding a Cup of Water: You may be able to stop this 0.13 kg weight gain by increasing your daily water intake by one cup.

Drinking water instead of other beverages: Drinking one cup of water instead of a serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage will cut the 4-year weight increase by 0.5 kg.

How much water should I drink to lose weight?

For people who are overweight: 

Individuals who are overweight or obese require various amounts of water. For them to stay hydrated and aid in weight loss, they ought to consume extra water. Half of your body weight in ounces of water is often recommended. Consequently, a 180-pound individual should aim to consume 90 ounces each day.

For the people who exercise a lot 

Drinking more water than the commonly advised 64 ounces in a day is advised since sweating causes the body to lose essential moisture. Individuals who exercise have to consume the following water in addition to the advised 64 ounces:

  1.  17–20 ounces 2–3 hours before starting the exercise
  2.  8 ounces of water 20–30 minutes before starting the exercise or during warm-up
  3.   7–10 ounces every 10–20 minutes during exercise
  4.   8 ounces no more than 30 minutes after the exercise


The importance of water is increasing day by day among everyone. Drinking water can support weight loss. It has no calories, reduces hunger when taken before meals, and even increases the amount of calories your body burns. But if you want to lose a lot of weight, you need to do more than just drink water. If losing weight were like putting together a jigsaw, water would be only one element; the other pieces would be things like exercise and dietary adjustments.

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